Tiara Tuesday

Every blog has its day.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet

She looked at me with those big brown eyes and said,
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
Buh-buh baybee, you just ain't seen nothin' yet!

-- Bachman Turner Overdrive

Yee-haw, bloglings.... the EveryDay Diva is turning 40 next week. Definitely not your EveryDay kinda day. Truly a time to stop, smell the roses, and think "holy crap." I am both amazed I made it this far, and somewhat unbelieving that it really has all gone by so friggin' fast. Cliches abound. All true.
But, in the spirit of BTO, I'm just gettin' started and anyone who knows me knows those lyrics couldn't possibly hold more truth. So, friends and fans, buckle your seatbelts and put your tray tables in the upright and locked position. I promise that the next 40 will be an even better ride!

Meanwhile, I do hope that by now you have all received and opened your Evite for the upcoming festivities??!! (What?! You didn't get the Evite. Well, I never. EMAIL me immediately and I'll send it to you. With apologies for the fact that my various email address books have more dust bunnies than there are under my bed.)

Remember, the general plan, weekend of Nov 3-5, is:

-- Friday spa day for the girlies and general merriment for all in SF later;
-- Saturday cocktails at the Santa Cruz villa, dinner & beach bonfire to follow;
-- Sunday brunch with Bloody Marys & Jack Daniels pancakes cooked by Chef R.

as I'm trying to get final head counts by the end of this week!
Say YES! I'm in! no matter which part you can/can't do,
and I'll send more details regarding the logistics of each fun-filled frolic!

xoxo Mwah. xoxo