Tiara Tuesday

Every blog has its day.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sum-Sum-Summertime.. Buh Bye!

Summer is officially over.

Sorry peeps, but I go by the fashion calendar -- once it's past Labor Day, stick a fork in summer cuz it's done. No more white shoes until next Memorial Day -- unless you're doing LaCroix cruise wear and you are ACTUALLY ON A CRUISE.

Although here in sunny California 'summer-like time' (no, NOT 'Indian summer' -- that's a weird East Coast summer-in-September thing) will continue for another good 6 weeks or so, hurrah! So yes, you can still wear tank tops, shorts and flip-flops. For a little while. Feel yourself sttreeeeettcchhiing out the season??

Anyway... in chatting with friends and colleagues about what they did over the summer, and the crazy photos they took doing it, I've come up with a theory. Ready?


And not just because it's warm. Just because it's ... well... summer!

So here is my Short List of Summer Lovin' Stuff:

1. Appreciating the 80s. It lives! That is -- the time-honored tradition of heading out to a block party (if you live on a big urban block), state fair, public beach, city park or other quasi-open-air venue and rockin' out to the likes of Rick Springfield, Charlie Daniels, and The Village People (do click this link if you wanna hum 'Macho Macho Man' all day). Lest you think I jest -- the three aforementioned acts were the headliners for the Marin County and San Mateo County Fairs less than a month ago. Check out my friend KP's blog for photographic proof!

2. Passion for Agriculture. An offshoot of the above-mentioned fair-going, is the burning desire to visit the 4-H pavilion and the development of a deep-seated interest in which pig, exactly, won the grand prize for best... um... porkiness.

3. Smelling Tropical. At no other time... ever... will a guy allow you to slather him with something that smells like coconut, unless you accidentally spill your umbrella-laden girlie drink on him. On the beach, however, boys and girls of all ages merrily trot around drenched in scents that call to mind the fruitiest of the Hawaiian tropics (ya, thus the name, duh). I do swear, though, that that original Coppertone smell brings me right back to summer 1979 and my best little girlfriend and I lying in wait on my front lawn for the 'hot older man' paperboy (he was in HIGH SCHOOL, like whoa, way mature).

4. Loving Fat. How many fried twinkies did you eat this summer?

(SIDEBAR: In researching this blog entry, I have just discovered that Fried Twinkies are also the snack food of choice of the PBR -- that is, the Professional Bull Riding circuit. Wow. Who knew? Click here to check out the FriedTwinkiesNation.com blog. Yee-freakin'-haw, pardner.)

Anyway, my excuses for forgoing any kind of remotely reasonable June-July-August eating habits are far too numerous to number. "I'm on vacation." "It's too hot to eat a REAL meal." (a good one for ice cream) "They're not available other times of the year." "I want one." (trumps all others) Aforementioned fairs and beaches and boardwalks are just chock FULL of scrumptious, somewhat disgusting, wouldn't-eat-it-anywhere-else treats. Yummy. Now back to our regularly scheduled dieting, thankyouverymuch.

5. Riding the Rides, Playing the Games. Santa Cruz, CA is nearby. There's a Boardwalk there. Not to mention the myriad boardwalks I've visited in years past from Wildwood (New Jersey) to Atlantic City (um, New Jersey) to Ocean City (er, New Jersey again but also Maryland) to Santa Monica (ah, back to California). Only in summer has the urge ever struck (and been fulfilled) to actually ride the rickety-looking, clackety-sounding wooden roller coaster. Hey. My chances of survival are at least as good as at any Disney theme park, of late. Moreover, before or after the rides, you will find yourself totally committed to winning the outrageous toss-the-ball-in-the-rigged-milk-can games -- and not minding that you (or your fabulous boyfriend) just paid 27 dollars for a 27-cent stuffed Sponge Bob!

OK... that's my shortlist. What's yours? What do you do in the summer that you reeeeaaallly wouldn't wanna be caught dead doing any other time (that's printable)?? I'd love to hear.

Meanwhile, I have to go polish off my last fried Twinkie of the season.