Tiara Tuesday

Every blog has its day.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Devil in Mz. Diva

Here's a little teaser pic of your EveryDay Diva as Sydney the Devil (though sans horns in this one) ... Now come see the show! Fabulous opening last weekend... where were you???

Devil's Due at Danville Village Theatre (233 Front Street); runs through Saturday July 1st.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Give the Devil Her Due

The Devil went up to Danville [sic],
He was lookin' for a soul to steal...
He was in a bind,
'Cause he was way behind,
And he was willin' to make a deal.

(apologies to Charlie Daniels)

What better Tuesday to talk about all things devilish than 6-6-06. Ah yes, the triple six. The Mark of the Beast. The Day of Beelzebub. The bringer of Hell on Earth. Satan. THE DEVIL.

But if you think about it ... there truly are so many, many Gehennan influences in our everyday life: devil's food cake, devil dogs, deviled eggs and deviled ham. Actually, the devil has his own blog -- which he actually shares with David Hasselhoff. (You did suspect, didn't you??) Check it out here. (KP, you need to check it out especially. :-) )

And then ... there are the characters in my latest play. Oh, yes. That's right. The REALLY important devilish day is actually 6-16-06.... the day that my new project DEVIL'S DUE opens up at the Village Theatre in Danville. The play revolves around a local Mom (played, not coincidentally, by a local Mom) who accidentally summons a devil to help in her re-entry into the corporate workplace after 20 years as a stay-at-home Mother. Her husband may or may not be having an affair. The community may or may not be having a real estate crisis. The devils may or may not succeed in winning her soul.

You may or may not have guessed that yours truly plays... ta da.... a devil. Not THE devil, mind you... just A devil. The director said she needed somone who could play a she-devil who was sexy, flirty, fashion-obsessed and yet carried all the power of Hell. Hmmmm. Ponder, ponder, ponder. Who could possibly fit the bill??

Oh, and by the way.... to play the part... I cut my hair. Short. Really short. And dyed it red. Oh yeah. Now you wanna see it dontcha???

Anyway... as you've no doubt realized by now this portion of this post is a shameless plug. So consider yourself plugged... check out the Village Theatre website for info about the play, bios of the performers (including moi of course), and most importantly, ticket purchasing information. If you're in the SF Bay Area, consider yourself invited, encouraged -- cajoled even -- to come see this stunning theatrical tour de force!

Of course there are other devilishly delicious Satan-related media masterpieces afoot ... most notably the release of the new Omen. So, lemme get this straight. You want me to prefer Julia Stiles, Liev Schreiber and some new creepy kid over Lee Remick, Gregory Peck and the original creepy kid (whatever happened to Harvey Stephens)? No way, no how, ain't gonna happen. I'm sticking with Peck -- although props to Mia Farrow who is in the new release and is also completely creepy even in real life. Especially when she's adopting 22 global orphans one of whom then falls in love with her hubby. Angelina Jolie might wanna pay attention to THAT omen, cha.

There is, however, the movie I've been DYING to see: The Devil Wears Prada. Based on the novel by Lauren Weisberger, Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep star respectively as a young journalist wannabe Andrea who ends up working for vicious -- and supposedly fictitious -- Runway mag Editor-in-Chief Miranda. Vogue and Anna Wintour, anyone? Lauren actually worked for the Wicked Witch and the book is a fairly hilarious, though somewhat unevenly written, autobiographical account of her misadventures at major fashion attitude central. Now c'mon. Gorgeous clothes, the NY rag mag scene (If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere ... someday!) and 2 cool actors -- what's not to love?! It's a movie fit for a fashionista, and I simply cannot wait to check it out.

Though for the record, this devil wears fab tuxes by Isaac Mizrahi and Calvin Klein, and red and gold stilettos by Via Spiga.