Tiara Tuesday

Every blog has its day.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hey kid... pull my paw!

Remember your weirdo uncle saying "pull my finger"?
And then he'd let one fly?
Yeahhh, good times.

So hey, Bosco here. Otherwise known as the EverydayDivaDOG. Otherwise known as "The Gassy One." Ya. Been having a bit o'trouble adjusting to my new dog food lately. Or maybe it's 'cuz I ate R.'s boxers that glow in the dark. Hey...it's a tummy... it's a nightlight.

Anyway, I'm the fabulous beast in the pic here... uh, ya... the one with FOUR feet and no pink toenail polish. (I'm not THAT diva a dog.)

So lots of barking hereabouts from my Diva's last post. Woof! Talk about a tempest in a teapot. A downpour in a dog bowl, even. Woof, woof!

So my Diva tells me these are the new blog rules:

1) If you read something and think it's about you and get pissed off -

it wasn't about you.

2) If you read something and think it's about you and love it -

it still wasn't about you. But glad you liked it.

3) The Diva can pretty much say anything she wants here, and it's NOT ABOUT YOU.

Basically, it's her party and she'll cry if she wants to.

I would like to add to anyone who doesn't like these rules ... don't let the mouse click you in the ass on your way out. Post a comment, read something else, or better yet, as the Master of the Green Mist, I suggest you PULL MY PAW!

-- Bosco the EverydayDivaDOG ('Cause every blog has its dog, too!)


At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on Sister Diva! You tell 'em doggie.

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dogz never lie.A woof woof shout out
from a sista ghetto mutt,Karla.

At 11:32 PM, Blogger EverydayDiva said...

Hey thanks Karla! Woof back atcha!


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