Tiara Tuesday

Every blog has its day.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sometimes even Superman can't save the girl.

I'm sad. Really sad. Superman's wife, AKA Dana Reeve, died yesterday of lung cancer. To make matters worse, the woman never touched a tobacco product in her life.

Stats say that 1 in 5 women will develop lung cancer without smoking. (Not BREAST cancer mind you, we're all wearing the pink ribbons for awareness there, yes?) Don't get me wrong. Smoking is evil. RJ Reynolds is evil incarnate. Period. But now there's this startling realization that we gotta worry that you can suck in this evil without ever sucking on a ciggy. Ugh.

Sorry ... no fashion today. Just a tribute to Dana -- a downright EverydayDiva in every sense. She was an intelligent, funny, well-spoken woman who, though a talented actress in her own right, made it her priority to stand by her man through better AND worse. The worst even. No Hollywood 5-day run-when-the-going-gets-tough marriage for Mr. and Mrs. Reeve. They were for real. Then she ploughed on as a single Mom (she was named Mom of the Year last year by the American Cancer Society) AND she went back to Broadway while running their charitable foundation.

Hands down Diva all around.

Some people just really do not deserve what they get.

I'm going to choose to believe that the upside here is that the Reeves are hanging out together again -- happy, healthy and whole the both of them. Whatever religious tradition you choose to follow, it just makes sense that on some astral plane somewhere, goodness is rewarded.

Happy heaven, Dana. Fly high with your Superman and smile down on the rest of us Everyday Divas just tryin' to get through.


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